OmVed Supper Club

From soil to gut

At Omved, we take pride in our holistic, hyper-local approach to growing and cooking. To us, food should be a multi-sensory experience that stimulates, excites, nourishes, and fulfils. Our thematic supper clubs invite you to open your eyes, your noses, your mouths, and your minds to experience the full potential of food.

The food we offer is plant-based and powered by the loving hands of our garden and kitchen team, who follow permaculture principles to grow all of our produce. This ethos spills into our kitchen where we challenge notions of ‘waste’ by utilising and re-incorporating each food scrap back into our plates, preserves, and ferments with wild and native foods interlaced within our menu. 

We believe that food exploration is best served with a twist of surprise, so the supper club's menu is kept a secret until you arrive at the gardens.